Taxi Service Inc

Yakima Air Terminal

Take a TaxiService for your journeys to and from Yakima Air Terminal. Skip the wait for the YKM shuttle or traditional taxi—simply request a ride through the app and get on your way promptly.

Washington, WA

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Allow the app and your driver to manage the details, so you can avoid navigating an unfamiliar city.

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Discover your preferred features, such as real-time pricing and cash-free payment, even when you’re in an unfamiliar location.

Various transportation options in the area.

Pickup at Yakima Air Terminal (YKM)​

Top questions from riders

The cost of an TaxiService trip to (or from) Yakima Air Terminal depends on factors that include the type of ride you request, the estimated length and duration of the trip, tolls, and current demand for rides.

You can see an estimate of the price before you request by going here and entering your pickup spot and destination. Then when you request a ride you’ll see your actual price in the app based on real-time factors.

Pickup locations may depend on the type of ride you request and the size of the airport. Follow the instructions in the app about where to meet your driver. You can also look for signs that point to designated airport rideshare zones. If you can’t find your driver, contact them through the app.

More information

Driving with TaxiService?

Discover how to enhance your airport trips, from picking up riders to adhering to local rules and regulations.

Going to a different airport?

Experience drop-offs and pickups at over 700 airports worldwide.

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